Emotional Overload
I'm about to burst with all these conflicting emotions running around inside me! I literally feel like I'm going to explode, not only physically but emotionally. One minute I'm super excited, the next absolutely terrified. I can be content to sit and read a book for awhile, then I'm running around the block, and up and down the stairs praying fervently for baby to arrive! I'm filled with anticipation and dread at the same time - the future is going to change drastically in a few short days! But, he's been in utero for so long it's hard to imagine him coming out at all! So, I'm anxious, but also skeptical. I used to be proud of my big belly, now I'm staying away from populated places...no longer do I get smiles from passers-by, but pained expressions of either sympathy or disgust ("shouldn't you be getting that thing out by now??"). I feel out of place everywhere except the OB office! But even they don't want to see me again. So, I've got this unsettled feeling deep within me - sometimes it feels like butterflies, other times I just feel like laughing and crying all at the same time. I guess I'm getting used to it! But the belly can go...