
Showing posts from September, 2008

What?! It's the 30th already???

The Non-Event

Removing the Eyesore

Overcoming Odors, and Absentmindedness

Progress (or not) On My Goals

16 Months Old Already

First Time for Everything

Natural Consequences

First Days of Fall

In Memory


A New Relationship

Survivor Gabon

The Mind Body Connection

Monkeyin' Around

Sitting Quietly in Church!!

New Restaurant

Long Term Goals

I finished a book!!

15 Month Photo Shoot

Go Directly To...

Heirloom Guitar

All 25 cubic feet of it

Ambrosia is the best

Cabin Camping

Books I'm Reading


The Other Reason

Why do I let it pile up so?

i've never been good with change

All Things...

Our Anniversary, Part II