Toddler Time

After getting the idea from, I've put a lot of time into my own 'amplified' version called Toddler Time. I've set up each month with four week-long themes (some will be stretched for those five-week months) and then listed books, songs, finger-plays, crafts, games, Bible memory texts, and more under each theme. It's been a lot of fun and I plan on repeating the themes for two to three years. Some activities are a bit advanced for a 21-month-old and when we come back to them next year, they'll be just right.

So, if you have a 2, 3, or 4 year old and you need some ideas to spark your creativity, let me know! I can send you the PDF file to look over.

Here's an example of the monthly themes (April):
Week One - Weather
Week Two - Music and Movement
Week Three - Rocks and Dirt
Week Four - Umbrellas

And here are just some of the ideas from Rocks and Dirt:

Learn sign language for ‘sand’

Fingerpaint with chocolate pudding

Read Dirt on my Shirt by Jeff Foxworthy

Read A Handful of Dirt by Raymond Bial

Sing 'Little Hunk of Mud': Tune "If You're Happy and You Know It"
Oh I wish I was a little hunk of mud
Oh I wish I was a little hunk of mud
Then I'd ooey and I'd gooey
Over everybody's shoey
Oh I wish I was a little hunk of mud!