
I had a random thought the other day and I'd like to explore it.

I was thinking about creativity and wondering where we get it. How does it develop?

Are we born with a certain amount of creativity? Some innately have more than others? This may seem to be the case, especially when we see highly creative people. How intimidating!!

Or do we use nature as an excuse for our absence of creativity -- "I just wasn't born with it!"

Obviously, I think about this in the context of my children. If there is a way to stimulate and increase their creativity, I want to find it! I may be a lost cause.....but surely there is a way to nurture creative expression in my children.

Maybe it's like playing an instrument? The more you practice, the better you get?

In my experience with scrapbooking, it seems that my creativity plateaus -- I get inspired and come up with some nice designs, but I don't take it farther than that (laziness?). I think there's something to be said for inspiration ----> creativity. But maybe that's a cop-out! haha I always feel more creative when I get my good ideas from somewhere else.

Getting outside or taking a shower seems to help fire creative synapses.

My writing seems to improve when I do a lot of it.

My son's imagination seems to run quicker with a little nudge and some feedback.

Well, what do you think? What ways have you discovered that pump up your creative soul? When are your children their most creative?

Do you think creativity grows with encouragement? Or we're born with a certain amount and we'd better use it or lose it?