Make a Request

Peter and I had a little heart to heart this morning.

It was all about requests and commands.

It's high time he learn to pick up toys. I haven't wanted to spoil him, but I also haven't wanted to make it a huge deal. Today it was time.

Now he understands that a request is when Mommy asks him nicely to do something, with a please. "Peter, will you pick up these blocks and put them in that basket, please?" He can choose to follow these directives immediately which will make Mommy very happy, or he can wait for a command.

If he waits, soon he will hear "Peter, I need you to pick up these toys and put them away." {in a much firmer tone of voice} The right choice is obvious, the wrong choice will wind him up with a consequence.

Both times I made a big deal of it this morning, he followed directions quickly after the polite request. I was impressed. He got high fives and a sticker.

Later in the morning, I had a little chat with him about how much fun we had together and how Mommy had more time to play with him (flower hunt and craft) because he helped around the house.

Progress. =)