Son Number Two Update
I titled this post with Shana in mind. =) hehe
I haven't really mentioned how Ezra is doing lately -- not since my post about his Nine Month Well-Baby Visit. Well, he's a different boy!!!

Here are some updates for the last two weeks:
He had a ginormous growth spurt in which he was drinking 8 ounces every three hours (sometimes 2.5)
He cut THREE more teeth (total of eight)
He started leaning over from a sitting position, eventually getting onto his tummy
He is now rolling from his back onto his tummy in bed (making it hard to fall asleep)
He can MOVE on his tummy (although he's stuck in reverse)
He is supporting all his weight while standing and wants to hang onto my fingers ALL the time for balance
He can stand beside furniture unassisted for an undetermined length of time (until falling over -- so I have to watch carefully)
He now accepts tiny pieces of avocado, banana, tomato, oranges, strawberries...and will self-insert cheerios, puffed rice, crackers and bread! Still not a significant part of his diet, but he's pushing the bottle aside at times in favor of solid food! Major breakthrough. I give Daddy most of the credit on this one.
His sleep habits are becoming MUCH more predictable. Two naps -- 9:30AM and 2:30PM -- two hours long. SO NICE.
But he has done his fair share of crying over the last two weeks with all them teethin' and growin'. Want to see what that looks like??
I haven't really mentioned how Ezra is doing lately -- not since my post about his Nine Month Well-Baby Visit. Well, he's a different boy!!!
Here are some updates for the last two weeks:
He had a ginormous growth spurt in which he was drinking 8 ounces every three hours (sometimes 2.5)
He cut THREE more teeth (total of eight)
He started leaning over from a sitting position, eventually getting onto his tummy
He is now rolling from his back onto his tummy in bed (making it hard to fall asleep)
He can MOVE on his tummy (although he's stuck in reverse)
He is supporting all his weight while standing and wants to hang onto my fingers ALL the time for balance
He can stand beside furniture unassisted for an undetermined length of time (until falling over -- so I have to watch carefully)
He now accepts tiny pieces of avocado, banana, tomato, oranges, strawberries...and will self-insert cheerios, puffed rice, crackers and bread! Still not a significant part of his diet, but he's pushing the bottle aside at times in favor of solid food! Major breakthrough. I give Daddy most of the credit on this one.
His sleep habits are becoming MUCH more predictable. Two naps -- 9:30AM and 2:30PM -- two hours long. SO NICE.
But he has done his fair share of crying over the last two weeks with all them teethin' and growin'. Want to see what that looks like??