Math Monday: Clock Skills

An introduction to telling time.

We drew circles. We counted to twelve while writing numbers on the clocks. We emphasized big hand, little hand. The big hand always points to 12 (when learning the hours). Then Peter chose what time it should be.

We made six clocks today.


Then we played a racing game -- I shout out a time and we race to get our hands on that clock. Peter's still learning his numbers, let alone where the little hand is pointing, so it was slow. When he got a bit frustrated, we stopped. We'll practice more another day!

We listened to Hickory Dickory Dock and then watched Kermit THE Frog and his news report about the mouse who ran up the clock. Peter was very sad when the horse breaks the clock apart by running through it.

Oh, we did some color sorting too. But Peter was just too tired to really get into it. Learning time quickly turned into nap-time. That's OK!