Ramblin' Conversation

It's time to let words roll out of my fingers. No specific blog post title here. No recipes. Probably not even any pictures. Just some good ole conversation.

I'm almost sure that Peter has finally succumbed to a nap this afternoon, after fighting and needing one for almost a week. With our fun travels, he got the short end of the stick with no quiet time (since Ezra was using the motel room for his nap). He had a lot of fun regardless.

Man, life is just moving so fast. From one thing to the next. So many projects and so much fun! We're instituting one night a week for "one-on-one time" with the kids. We take turns. So tonight it's daddy and Ezra playing in the water together and mommy and Peter testing out the BMX track with his bike!

Projects: Tim has been working on the house exterior which is due for a new coat of paint (every 10 years, I guess). So the pressure washer and caulk gun have been getting some use. And the paintbrushes are out whenever the sun isn't blazin'. Which it has been lately.

I'm conflicted about fall. Part of me isn't ready -- kinda nice to go outside to warm up and back inside to cool off. But it is fun to get out the warmer clothes and get excited about new colors and meals. It's time to re-organize closets and drawers and be sure wardrobes are ready! But really. Summer just barely arrived.

My project has been readying preschool ideas and shifting things around in Peter's room to give it a "learning area" appeal. We've got a pretty good thing going I think...it'll just take a bit more time. So hang with me on this one. =) I'll do a couple posts, one about our daily learning style and one about the room.

It has been MORE THAN wonderful to get fresh tomatoes from our garden for every meal. That and the yellow squash have been my favorite. I think zucchini would be a good idea too, despite everyone's pranks. I don't want the BIG ones...just to have a plant in my yard so I can get those cute little perfect ones before they get too large.

Seems like life is being juggled and balanced pretty well right now. Getting things figured out just before the next change, as usual! Tim's schedule goes back to 8-4:30 after Labor Day Weekend. And the pool opens up again the end of September. Hip hip hooray.

Ezra is getting cuter and cuter. What a fun age! He's started making sounds that almost sound like "thank you" if you use your imagination. And makes a great motorboat sound. I dressed him in overalls the other day (in anticipation of fall) and couldn't stop smiling. You know that's why you dress your kids in cute clothes, right?? Even when they're naughty, you smile, cause they're so adorable!

The house has been staying pretty clean...except for the master bedroom. It's definitely the catch-all for things that don't have a home. That and the garage. Man. We need better organization here. Better call Erin (blogger at Sunny Side Up who is the most organized person I've ever met).

Ever tried zucchini bread with pineapple in it? Or cranberries? These recipes are next on my list.

I've really been loving the camera lately. Summer lends itself to brighter colors and better lighting. I've switched over to digital scrapbooking using Picaboo, which has been a relief, but also a challenge. To envision what I want the page to look like...with so many options...yet so few embellishments. To journal or not to journal? And how many pages? It's going to be a big book, I'm afraid. Or maybe we'll have to print one twice a year. Or four times. Anyway, it's a learning curve. But I'm learning.

And what a benefit meal planning and exercise have been. Oh, and spending time on things I love. Making the most of every minute. This blog post really says it all: 4 Ways to Get Energy By Expending It.

Last week was our anniversary. I looked and looked for couple pictures and found VERY few. So, our assignment for date night this week is to find a wheat field (my vision for wedding photos), bring along the trusty tripod, and take some luuv shots. Should be fun. For me. ;)

OH, and I'm reading a fun book!! Not teaching me a thing, just entertainment. haha Oh, I'll probably learn something. Can't help myself. It's called Home to Harmony. By Philip Gulley. Some of you are probably surprised that this is the first book of his that I've read. It probably won't be my last.

Blissful time to tickle the computer keys. Thanks for tunin' in. Gotta get back to the kitchen. Or the garage. Or the bedroom.