When Mom Gets REALLY Tired

When toddlers cry inconsolably. And then scratch your face when you are trying to comfort them.
And then grab your pant legs with sticky fingers. Banana slime.

When preschoolers don't follow directions. And then throw crayons all around the room to get attention.

When soggy cereal still sits on the table 8 hours later. Attracting flies.

When preschooler asks you to "take care of toddler" because he's touching his airplane. 

And when the husband has to work late and won't be eating the meal I prepared.

And when the living room is now in complete disarray an airplane/elevator/tractor.

When science experiments don't work. And leaf collages turn brown.

Aaaaaaaah. But now it's quiet. The day is over. Time to rest. Gotta do it all again tomorrow.