Countdown to Thanksgiving
Tomorrow marks the first day in a twelve day countdown to the 25th of November.
My attempt at creating a fresh, interactive family tradition. Designing it has been the fun part. Implementing it may be a bit trickier. We'll see. A three year old and a one year old?
Ya. We'll see. Stay tuned.
Want a preview?
Nov 13 We are thankful for family [play games together -- hullabaloo, topple, operation]
Nov 14 We are thankful for our car [go for a fall/winter drive and take pictures]
Nov 15 We are thankful for our neighbors [deliver treats to front door and run]
Nov 16 We are thankful for our mailman [put a note and treats in the mailbox]
Nov 17 We are thankful for our sibling [buy a toy for brother]
Nov 18 We are thankful for books [read a thanksgiving book together]
Nov 19 We are thankful for our teacher [make a card for Teacher Jenny]
Nov 20 We are thankful for missionaries [write a letter to AFM missionaries]
Nov 21 We are thankful for toys [give toys to someone else]
Nov 22 We are thankful for food [give cans to food bank]
Nov 23 We are thankful for grandparents [take flowers or baked goods and a love note]
Nov 24 We are thankful for our friends [treats and notes to a few friends]
Let's go do it!
My attempt at creating a fresh, interactive family tradition. Designing it has been the fun part. Implementing it may be a bit trickier. We'll see. A three year old and a one year old?
Ya. We'll see. Stay tuned.
Want a preview?
Nov 13 We are thankful for family [play games together -- hullabaloo, topple, operation]
Nov 14 We are thankful for our car [go for a fall/winter drive and take pictures]
Nov 15 We are thankful for our neighbors [deliver treats to front door and run]
Nov 16 We are thankful for our mailman [put a note and treats in the mailbox]
Nov 17 We are thankful for our sibling [buy a toy for brother]
Nov 18 We are thankful for books [read a thanksgiving book together]
Nov 19 We are thankful for our teacher [make a card for Teacher Jenny]
Nov 20 We are thankful for missionaries [write a letter to AFM missionaries]
Nov 21 We are thankful for toys [give toys to someone else]
Nov 22 We are thankful for food [give cans to food bank]
Nov 23 We are thankful for grandparents [take flowers or baked goods and a love note]
Nov 24 We are thankful for our friends [treats and notes to a few friends]
Let's go do it!