Net Nibbles

After I finish reading about Calm and Compassionate Children, you're going to hear more about Raising Boys on this blog. It's something I've never done before. It's something I want to do right. Of course.

So, here's a great place to start. Ever read He's a dad. He writes. Love that. He writes on some great parenting topics AND there's even some words about listening to your wife. Hear it from another guy, men. But I'm zoning in on his article entitled, 7 Traits of Real Men. A great starting place for my serious on raising boys. Stay tuned. And read the article to get your brain juices flowing.

Changing gears.

I think my taste-buds have had enough pumpkin for awhile. Pumpkin cookies. Pumpkin bread. Pumpkin scones. Pumpkin granola. Roasted pumpkin on pizza, with rigatoni, in chili. I'm done! I don't want to see any more pumpkin. 

Except I just bought two more big cans at the store. And I still want to try pumpkin cinnamon rolls. And these amazing looking pumpkin cloverleaf rolls. And soon we'll be having a pumpkin pie marathon.


Pull yourself together, girl. It ain't over yet.