Tuesdays, Unwrapped

We went grocery shopping early today. While the kids {and the mom} were fresh. We were done and on to other things by ten o'clock, which isn't all that amazing since we were all up since six and the breakfast dishes still need to be washed.

But I'm not here to talk about dirty dishes. It's Tuesday, and I'm thinking about people who offer peace. I've had two very different check-out line experiences in the last two days, a chat with an older couple who left me feeling capable and at peace with life, and a few words exchanged with a lady who left me feeling about two inches tall, tail between my legs.

Some people just seem to have a presence that offers peace. And that's a gift.

Both in their 90's, they joked about how "number four will be a girl" (since they had three boys and then...finally...). They encouraged me without even realizing it. They were there to buy a roll of frozen turkey and other miscellaneous items for upcoming Thanksgiving dinner. Four great-granddaughters {guess there were female genes down there somewhere}, ten grandchildren, was it six kids? She was wearing an eye patch and joked about being a pirate. She has a detached retina.

So lovely. So peaceful. So encouraging.

Puts life in perspective.

I said, if I can only make it through the first four years.

You will, he said.

Thank you.

Make me more like that, Lord.