Keep Your Ear Right Here

If you are a nursing mom, have a kiddo who needs an adorable owl hat, like to buy handmade, or like to win FREE STUFF -- pay attention.

So. Sometimes blogs like to run a few giveaways -- to increase interest in their blog.

I do. I want to increase my readership. Why? Because I believe my blog can make a difference. My long-term goal is to blog for a mission-organization -- traveling to another country, taking pictures, increasing awareness of non-profit organizations. Making a difference in lives.

In the meantime, I'm going to promote my favorite etsy sellers with a few giveaways. I'm going to run an Adventuring with Kids series {more on that later}. I have created a Facebook Page for my blog as well -- visit Housewife In Town on Facebook and "LIKE" me for instant social media updates. Gotta love it, right? ;p

So. =) I want you to tell your friends about my blog! Yep. Spread the word. Because I want lots of participation in these upcoming giveaways. You are going to LOVE them.

Consider this:

Ready to tell the world? Please do. Click "Follow" down below {scroll to the bottom} so you won't miss a single post.

You're awesome.