Be Back Soon

Five minutes can seem like such a long time for a four-year-old. He knew his daddy would be back very soon, he knew he wasn't supposed to touch any of the tools until then, so he sat on the homemade bench in the corner, sitting on his hands.

He really wanted to try out that chisel. And the hand saw. He was strong enough, wasn't he? He wouldn't get hurt.

But he waited.
Fingers squished against rough wood. Toes tapping the sawdust-covered floor.

He could hear laughter and squeals from friends outside. There were always children playing in the streets, calling him to come out. Sometimes they would only go home for meals. Nazareth wasn't exactly known for its involved parents.

But He wanted to be with his father. Time with him, working together, was more fun than anything else. Smiles exchanged. A hand on the shoulder. Gentle instructive words. A look of approval. Jesus felt so loved, so secure.

He was tall for four. Thoughtful for four. Responsible. At least that's what he had heard his father say. He drew himself up, holding his head high. He would be everything Joseph wanted him to be, and more. He would do His best.


Joseph hesitated a moment before entering the workshop. Considered the boy, considered the future. Four years had gone by so fast. Faster than he liked. They were blessed years. Years of plenty.

Jesus was in their house.

And so he opened the door, grinned as he saw the antsy little boy with hands under legs, motioned him to get up. Jesus ran to him, wrapped his little arms around his neck, whispered "I knew you'd be back soon, Daddy."

"I waited for you." 

Community Question: And now we wait for Him. What will you do while you wait? 

"Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;
therefore he will rise up to show you compassion.
For the LORD is a God of justice.
Blessed are all who wait for him!"
Isaiah 30:!8 NIV