Just Some Words
Tonight I feel a lot like this.

Dark behind, glowing sun in front, contrasting colors, strong and purposeful lighting. Hard days past, great times ahead, clearer understanding of things, certain and ready to move on.
Mother's Day was amazing. A whole day with my husband, to do whatever we wanted, to be together, without distraction or time restraints or duties to divide. To sleep. Best gift ever.
My birthday reminded me of a certain story including Eeyore and Winnie-the-Pooh. Everything went wrong. And I was cynical and depressed. But I pulled myself together and enjoyed a very nice meal with friends. And then went to bed.
And the next three days of my 28th year have been much better.

Several chapters in a very very good book have been super helpful lately -- reminding me, getting me back on track.
Sometimes just a few minutes at the park together can bring back the purposeful feeling. Playing catch-the-floating-object-before-it's-too-late multiple times, with blue ball, other kid toys and then the envious, adventure-seeking toddler shoe.

And organizing closets and toys and little boy bedrooms has me all giddy and in love with the spaces we live in. Had to have another conversation with my oldest little -- "It makes mommy happy to have everything neat and in its place...I know you like to build things...and undo everything mommy does...but let's have a time for building and a time for putting away, OK?" He's still thinking about that one. ;)
Cornmeal mush can be eaten but might be more fun to smoosh.

More tomatoes growing to replace the ones we lost to late frost.

And plenty of fun and exciting things to look forward to this week and weekend! Don't miss any of it.

Dark behind, glowing sun in front, contrasting colors, strong and purposeful lighting. Hard days past, great times ahead, clearer understanding of things, certain and ready to move on.
Mother's Day was amazing. A whole day with my husband, to do whatever we wanted, to be together, without distraction or time restraints or duties to divide. To sleep. Best gift ever.
My birthday reminded me of a certain story including Eeyore and Winnie-the-Pooh. Everything went wrong. And I was cynical and depressed. But I pulled myself together and enjoyed a very nice meal with friends. And then went to bed.
And the next three days of my 28th year have been much better.
Several chapters in a very very good book have been super helpful lately -- reminding me, getting me back on track.
Sometimes just a few minutes at the park together can bring back the purposeful feeling. Playing catch-the-floating-object-before-it's-too-late multiple times, with blue ball, other kid toys and then the envious, adventure-seeking toddler shoe.

And organizing closets and toys and little boy bedrooms has me all giddy and in love with the spaces we live in. Had to have another conversation with my oldest little -- "It makes mommy happy to have everything neat and in its place...I know you like to build things...and undo everything mommy does...but let's have a time for building and a time for putting away, OK?" He's still thinking about that one. ;)
Cornmeal mush can be eaten but might be more fun to smoosh.

More tomatoes growing to replace the ones we lost to late frost.
And plenty of fun and exciting things to look forward to this week and weekend! Don't miss any of it.