Yellowstone/Grand Tetons with Kids
We're going on another adventure. This time I'm bringing along my favorite side-kick. The one on the right.

I'm sure he'll add a whole new element of enjoyment to the trip. He'll probably do part of the driving. Help get the kids ready for bed. Argue with me about which geyser to visit first. Eat all our food. =p
We'll have to squeeze four people into our previously comfortable two-tent-three-people situation. {rock-paper-scissors for who has to sleep with Buzzra} We'll need to buy another thermarest and sleeping bag.
But it will be so nice to have a big man with a deep voice around when the grizzly bears come to check out our camp.
Not to worry. We decided to camp outside the park in both cases...where we can get free wireless {so rough, eh?}. And we all know they don't let bears outside the National Park.
Peter got a book for his birthday -- "Who Pooped in the Park?" {the Yellowstone version} -- so now we know what bear scat looks like and how to identify their tracks. Peter sounded out the word "pooped" when he got the book. He was pretty pleased with himself. And, you know, had to say it about fifty times. And giggle. He's normal.
So -- we invite you to tune in for our many informative, funny, photo-rich, and charming blog posts during the week of June 17-27. I call it travel blogging. You get to virtually visit Yellowstone and the Grand Tetons from the comfort of your home!
Tell your friends...share my button {see below -- isn't it cute?}
And stay tuned. We'll be making car snacks and packing bags very soon.