Learning about Fall and Night in the Country

Hibernation. Frosty windows. Bare tree branches. Cold moonlit nights.

It's all part of this time of year, this season we call Autumn.

whispers of snow
young laughter echo
first lights glow
 candle smoke blow

And what we all want to know {well, at least my shivering four year old sure does} -- why do we have this season of cold and darkness? What happened to summer? Many people really don't know!

One of our favorite books to read this time of year is "In November" by Cynthia Rylant
It's dreamy. Sensory-stimulating. 
Thought provoking. She makes the best analogies. 
Nature makes a bed with blankets of snow for animals to cozy up under, 
trees without leaves are like dancers, and the "sun is a sometime friend..."
Anticipating: A backyard campfire roasting hot dogs on sticks. A trip to the snow for pictures! Peter's half birthday.

Listening: Selah's album Rose of Bethlehem

Considering: Making some crocheted Christmas socks/stockings.

Happy weekend. :)