Meals on a Monday: Apple Inspiration
Food blogging makes me a little giddy.
If I had more time on my hands, I'd be trying all these recipes,
photographing my process, and sharing the goods with friends.
Don't these pictures make you want to put on your apron and do some bakin'?

For now, I'll just work on remembering to add important ingredients like sugar {oops, y'all} and hopefully find some time to learn more about food photography, which is a completely amazing art in itself. Not enough to make a fabulous recipe, now we have to display it in a well-lit but not overly sunny environment and snap a crispy clear photograph. A challenge I want to eventually achieve.
So -- happy apple days to all. It's still going to be pretty pumpkiney around here...but soon, soon, there will be apple treats too. With cinnamon. And caramel. Oh yum. :)