Calgary Christmas

We drove all thirteen hours up to family land, toting marshmallows and pipe shooters, ready for a good time.

And fun was had by all.
How can you not enjoy yourself with crispy, fluffy snow, warm breezes, and friendly family around a crokinole board?

Pam and Rob taught me how to skate backwards. How to skate circles with a cross-over pattern. How to {attempt to} hockey stop. Or at least stop without falling down. I always wanted to skate as fast and as beautifully as they did.
So here we are, ice beckons. It's like riding a bicycle right? Well, someone gave me a hockey stick and sent me after the puck and that was where I went wrong. Over-extending to reach that silly sliding thing, losing balance, over-correcting -- then the slow-mo flail of arms and legs as I figure out how I'm planning to land. Tim called it "graceful". I landed on the right cheek {not on my face}, part of my weight pressing into the stuck out elbow sent to keep my head from hitting the ice. I really didn't want another Canada Concussion {did I blog about the first one?}. Tail between my legs, I hobble off the ice and didn't don my skates again all weekend. Sad story, I know. I nursed my bruised elbow and very sore neck, wishing for the resilience of youth.
And Peter? Peter. He fell down on his way to the rink, wanted his skates off and didn't try again. We'll keep at it. Right now, he's not too enthused.
But isn't the rink pretty? And the blowing snow?

Perfect for a mid-morning snack.

There were iPads and iPods and Macs all over. Not many outlets for the taking.

And now the donkey is a train engine, with two cars loaded down. Even the twelve-year-old rides.

Beautiful family. So nice to see them and interact. Peter and Ezra even smiled {so very briefly} for a great-grandkids photo.

The Canada cousins are very sure-footed on the ice. Even the 18-month-old {in his boots}.

We're so blessed to have so many wonderful family members who we love.
The kids now know their "Canada cousins" and hope for more fun times with them soon. : )