Sunshine in our Hearts

We haven't been complaining about the weather lately. It's been too cold for snow but we've had sunshine every day so far this month! Until today. Now we've got fog and a white frosty layer on everything -- very festive looking.

Earlier this week, we took a hike in the sun. Nothing better than breathing in crisp air and feeling the warmth on our shoulders. We may not see the sun again until March, but in the spirit of every-day-blessing-counting, we'll smile as we remember this fun on the trail and then look out the window and smile at the fog.
Cause after resting in dry grasses under brilliant blue sky, you can be thankful for almost anything.
{This was the hike where the little one had a poopy diaper...and we kept marching on. Peter kept saying, "smell the grass, mommy...doesn't it smell good?" He was up ahead. My nose wasn't smelling the same things as his.}
Doesn't this make you want to think about the meaning of life? Aaaah. Resting in the security of Jesus' love. 
Looking forward with anticipation and faith in the plans He has for us.
See the contentment? See the happy smiles?
I just love the time we spend outside. It bonds us so much closer to each other -- a shared experience with such benefits. 
We feel a sense of freedom -- freedom to explore, to play, to run, to laugh.
A beautiful day. A beautiful life. We're thankful. And from now on, watch for us hiking in the fog. :)