Friday Favorites
I wanted to get this out on Friday, but instead went to bed early with my tired husband. So here we are.
God is taking me on a journey. {Philippians 1:6} He brings things for me to read, he brings people into my life, he brings thoughts to my mind at just the right time. Just when I need them.
Emily Freeman inspires me at her blog Chatting at the Sky. Yesterday she spoke of understanding less and less, of releasing control of the future, living in the present moment and leaving the rest to God's grace. Here are some of her words:
This blogger's words about enjoying parenting have made it all over Facebook lately. My friend showed me the article first. I love the lesson -- "Parenting is hard. Just like lots of important jobs are hard." We're not going to enjoy every minute. We don't need to feel guilty for that. I really resonate with Glennon when she says, "I used to worry that not only was I failing to do a good enough job at parenting, but that I wasn’t enjoying it enough. Double failure." Grace, folks, grace. It will be hard. That's totally OK. But there will be so many precious moments {read the bit about Chronos time and Kairos time}.
And earlier this week, I read the simple truth on Kelle's blog -- it's about putting your oxygen mask on, doing what you need to do to feel yourself ALIVE. Because "we cannot make good mamas, good wives, good friends if we don't."
So -- put on your oxygen mask, smile at the well-meaning ladies in the grocery line, thank the Lord for the work He is doing in your life, and release control of the future. Life lessons from this week. Pretty good, eh?
God is taking me on a journey. {Philippians 1:6} He brings things for me to read, he brings people into my life, he brings thoughts to my mind at just the right time. Just when I need them.
Emily Freeman inspires me at her blog Chatting at the Sky. Yesterday she spoke of understanding less and less, of releasing control of the future, living in the present moment and leaving the rest to God's grace. Here are some of her words:
"But as each moment weaves itself into the next, as we believe Him in the great right now, His truth becomes a strand woven into the fabric of our minutes. This moment living is sweet. This moment living reminds me of who is in control and who is not. This smallness is to be celebrated, not despised. I dare not trust myself with the next step. A mature faith says I am desperately in need of a source outside of myself. I always have been, but now I know it."I listened to Andrew Farley while I was doing the dishes this week. I love his message of focusing on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith {Hebrews 12:2}, his illustration of Jesus skiing the impossible mountain, earning the gold medal, bestowing it on us, then saying 'stay off the mountain!', and then, at the end, how he brings it all back to thankfulness. Wow. The practical application, the one task that we have -- thanksgiving to God. For what HE has done. And is currently doing in our lives right now. Watch the 28 minute episode if you have time, or just listen while you work!
This blogger's words about enjoying parenting have made it all over Facebook lately. My friend showed me the article first. I love the lesson -- "Parenting is hard. Just like lots of important jobs are hard." We're not going to enjoy every minute. We don't need to feel guilty for that. I really resonate with Glennon when she says, "I used to worry that not only was I failing to do a good enough job at parenting, but that I wasn’t enjoying it enough. Double failure." Grace, folks, grace. It will be hard. That's totally OK. But there will be so many precious moments {read the bit about Chronos time and Kairos time}.
And earlier this week, I read the simple truth on Kelle's blog -- it's about putting your oxygen mask on, doing what you need to do to feel yourself ALIVE. Because "we cannot make good mamas, good wives, good friends if we don't."
So -- put on your oxygen mask, smile at the well-meaning ladies in the grocery line, thank the Lord for the work He is doing in your life, and release control of the future. Life lessons from this week. Pretty good, eh?