How to Love | Physical Touch
Tonight's post will be short for obvious reasons."Hugging your spouse before she goes shopping may not only express love, it may bring her home sooner." ;) --Gary Chapman in The Five Love Languages
I spent the day sending "touchy" text messages to my husband like *big hug* and *big sloppy kiss* and now he's home and ready for his foot massage.
I wasn't raised in a home with lots of touch. I went through high school and college with a huge bubble. My husband was the first person I kissed. Needless to say, I've had to learn a little about the love language of physical touch.
It's a hug and a kiss when he leaves for work in the morning. It's running my fingers through his hair before bed. It's sitting close on the couch and holding hands while we walk. It's footsies under the table. Sometimes it's a high five or an arm wrestling match.
To him, it's L.O.V.E. Better than chocolate.
"A caress is better than a career." Elisabeth Marbury in 1933