Wandering with a Tummyache

My tummy hurts today. I'm laying low. Still getting laundry done though. Can't let the whole world slide.

I even dozed on the couch for a few minutes. The kids have been rock stars at playing independently.

Course then I feel guilty -- like I should be doing some sort of art activity or pretend play with them. Well, maybe eating Peter's special pineapple coconut ice cream followed by the robotic-crane-delivered medicine to help me feel better counts.

I think starting the morning with a nice long walk helped today. It definitely puts my thoughts on life into perspective. And gives the kids a good dose of fresh air.

Songs like this don't hurt anything either.

Be Thou Near To Me by Selah on Grooveshark

I've been wandering through life lately. Searching. Not always looking in the right places.

Eventually, I always realize the right place is Jesus. And then wonder why in the world I keep forgetting.

So even though I've been feeling crummy, we've all had a pretty good day. :) Monkey too.