{reallife} family ties

I took my book to the park last week. Holding it with one hand and pushing the kids on swings with the other. That was one hard book to put down.

I identified with Skeeter -- that might have been me fifty years ago. Caring about the injustice. Wanting to write. Playing tennis. Driving a farm truck to my date. hah!

The theme of family ties runs thick through the story -- whether thick or not. Sometimes the ties are thickest where you would not expect.
Makes me thankful for the love of grandparents. Mine have been visiting this week, from Canada. And we took them to one of our favorite hiking spots. Ezra fell asleep in the car on the way out and let Grandma carry him, limp noodle, head on shoulder {isn't he long now?} until all thirty of his pounds began to be too much. When handing him over to Grandpa, he woke up. Surprised, but with a smile on his face, thinking how did I get here?

Peter grabbed a bit of long grass and started tickling great-grandma's neck. Peter's grandpa put on his best hill-billy accent to tell us about the horse excrement in the trail. And my grandparents walked hand in hand.

Nothing better than a record-player lesson from grandpa. You could just see the pride in his eyes -- serious ownership. "This is how we used to listen to music!" he says.

~thousands of gifts~
air hugs
marching bands
raw cookie bites
chocolate "lint" ice cream
rubber band airplanes
strawberry rhubarb smoothies
thinking about what I've learned this year
the sound of sprinklers
tomato seedlings, planted
new blog design
thoughts of beach adventures
Ezra's teddy bear hugs and silly faces
water fights followed by hot foot baths
pierogi feasts, Grandma's best
balloons, let go, flying up up up
Ezra on the xylophone, playing Joy to the World, his first song
great-grandma, the announcer and singer of You Are My Sunshine
so many fresh green leaves

And so we bond -- food, music and outdoor play -- memories for a lifetime.

How does your family best enjoy each other?