{roadtrip} Oregon Coast | Get Outta the Rain

Time for a quick pull out and wrap up. The dripping, misting, semi-annoying but not game-changing rain turned into side-blowing craziness. The tent flies aren't exactly designed for sideways rain {I don't think...and we decided not to find out this time} and the weather wasn't giving us a break for the standard hurry-up-and-set-up-the-tents-before-it-squalls-again. No breaks. Just that stiff wind and brutal drenching wetness.

So KOA saved the day. With a little cabin [not in the woods] about a hop skip and a running leap over that really big puddle from the bathrooms. And a coin-op washer/dryer to get Peter some clean pants.

Not that we really planned to spend much more time out there in the wind and rain. But, you know.
Thursday morning we gave Devil's Churn a cursory glance, hiked a quick half mile down and back to see another spouting rock, enjoyed the {warm, dry} Cape Perpetua Visitor's Center and watched a 15 minute film, drove down Rhododendron Drive pondering its potential if only we were there a week or two in the future, passed through Old Town Florence and thought about stopping for pizza but then realized the Buzz was asleep again, filled up the tank with gas and grabbed a venti something-or-other {whatever it takes to get home guys}, and waved goodbye to the wet piles of sand we had hoped to slide down {anyone up for dune sledding next time we go?}.
Mentally, I was done. Time to find my husband and maybe even plant myself in front of the hotel TV watching Dr. Suess for a few minutes. Sweet rest.

And Sweeeeeet Tomatoes.

And this is where my brain switches from adventure mode to get-me-home mode. Fast food. Fast lane. Fast forward?
No more pictures. No more fuss. Gotta get home outta the rain.

See you on the flip side. ;)