Introducing Hill from Capturing Motherhood
I'm excited to kick off this series -- all about moms! I'll be introducing five of my favorite blogging mommies and sharing with you how they are able to nurture themselves in the midst of raising their children. And sometimes working. And of course, keeping house. And being altogether awesome.
It's called "Just a Few Minutes for Mom". Glad you're here. :)
First up is Hill. She blogs over at Capturing Motherhood and I've loved seeing her photography and hearing her share real life stories about the challenges of motherhood. She's beautiful and inspirational.
Let's hear what life is like for Hill and what she does to nurture herself regularly:
What does your life look like right now?
i've been married for nine years and have three kids, ages 6, 4 and 3. my youngest has special needs (you can read more about that here). i do not work. well that's not true at all. i work very hard and around the clock as a wife and mom.
What are your favorite parts of being a mom?
the littlest, tiny, almost-missed moments. they pop up when and where you least expect it. those are my favorite. my absolute favorite part of being a mom. the could-be-missed moments of getting out of the car or the ones that occur right before my child falls asleep. i love knowing that i am not missing those unplanned, fantastic little blips. those moments on a page. those million little things make my heart so very full.
What about motherhood is hardest for you?
oh goodness. just about everything else can fall into this category at one time or another. the hardest for me right now though, are the demands and expectations. most of which i place on myself. oh how stuck i feel by all that needs to be done. all the time. around every corner. every piece of paper. every phone call. i just want to soak my kids up and not have all of those adult responsibilities. those unending tasks that only i can do.
What is one thing you do regularly to nurture yourself as a mom?
i have two. (sorry!)
the first thing that shapes my each and every day is when i spend time in God's Word and in prayer. sometimes (a lot of the time) it is a real struggle to fit it into my day. but i do it. i have to do it. through attempt and failure i've realized that i cannot live this life without God. i cannot go on without Him. and so when i'm continually seeking Him, i am allowing Him to transform my every thought (We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5).
i cannot have the mind of Christ without soaking up His word daily. two of my girlfriends and i exchange text messages every time we spend time with the Lord, in order to hold each other accountable.
the second thing that rejuvenates my soul is taking photos. when you take a photograph, you must find that. one. thing. that one moment. the joy amidst heartache and the brokenness of this world. when i hold my camera up to my eye, it forces me to be in the moment. just that moment. and doesn't allow that moment to slip away. it makes my heart so very full. taking photos always, always leaves me with a thankful heart. oh, how i adore taking photos.
Thanks for sharing your heart with us, Hill!
Next up is Stacey. Check back in a couple days to hear from her. =)