Introducing Kaylee from Life Chasers
Welcome to this series -- all about moms! I'll be introducing five of my favorite blogging mommies and sharing with you how they are able to nurture themselves in the midst of raising their children. And sometimes working. And of course, keeping house. And being altogether awesome.
It's called "Just a Few Minutes for Mom". Glad you're here. :)
Introducing Kaylee -- mommy and blogger over at life chasers. Her home decor makes me swoon. Her photos of baby Selah at each month make me smile. She embraces the camera -- I love that.
Let's hear what life is like for Kaylee and what she does to nurture herself regularly:
What does your life look like right now?
What are your favorite parts of being a mom?
I think any mom can agree that nothing makes you more proud than to watch your kids not only get along but absolutely adore one another. It's like watching a culmination of every prayer, discipline, guidance, and encouragement in your child. Any time I question if what we are doing is working, I only need to look at the fruit that can be seen in the relationship between those two. Melt. My. Heart.
What about motherhood is hardest for you?
On the flip side, the hardest thing about being a parent for me as of yet, is figuring out how to learn with my kids. Dealing with attitude, ungratefulness, etc breaks my heart and I have to learn to not take it personally. It's so easy to let all of these little lies tell me that I am a bad mom, that I'm failing. I'm learning to let the good days speak a louder volume than the couple bad ones.
What is one thing you do regularly to nurture yourself as a mom?
The thing I have to lean on at this point is the Lord. When I get to the end of my rapidly fraying rope, I turn on some worship music and ask Him to tell me what the next step is. This is the way I nurture myself. I don't necessarily need hours alone, but spending some time NOT focused on myself fills me up. My new favorite time is my hour at the gym in the morning, listening to the Jesus Culture Pandora station. I get up before the girls, before Ryan has to go to work, and I MAKE it happen. There are 24 hours in a day -- taking one to physically and spiritually fuel up isn't too much to ask. I have also found that spending quality time with my husband is a HUGE thing that makes me a better wife and mom. Investing in each other never fails to give me that extra strength I need.
Thanks for taking the time to share with us, Kaylee!
Next we'll hear from Marisa. Thanks for reading!
It's called "Just a Few Minutes for Mom". Glad you're here. :)
Introducing Kaylee -- mommy and blogger over at life chasers. Her home decor makes me swoon. Her photos of baby Selah at each month make me smile. She embraces the camera -- I love that.
Let's hear what life is like for Kaylee and what she does to nurture herself regularly:
Hi! I'm Kaylee from over at Life Chasers. I am a mom to two wild, beautiful girls. I have the blessing of spending my days at home being a mom and wife. I couldn't think of a better way to have it.
I loved being a mom to Ashlynn (2 1/2) and life was a blast with her. But multiply that time 100 once I had my second, Selah (6months) and was able to watch the dynamic between the girls.
What are your favorite parts of being a mom?
I think any mom can agree that nothing makes you more proud than to watch your kids not only get along but absolutely adore one another. It's like watching a culmination of every prayer, discipline, guidance, and encouragement in your child. Any time I question if what we are doing is working, I only need to look at the fruit that can be seen in the relationship between those two. Melt. My. Heart.
What about motherhood is hardest for you?
On the flip side, the hardest thing about being a parent for me as of yet, is figuring out how to learn with my kids. Dealing with attitude, ungratefulness, etc breaks my heart and I have to learn to not take it personally. It's so easy to let all of these little lies tell me that I am a bad mom, that I'm failing. I'm learning to let the good days speak a louder volume than the couple bad ones.
What is one thing you do regularly to nurture yourself as a mom?
The thing I have to lean on at this point is the Lord. When I get to the end of my rapidly fraying rope, I turn on some worship music and ask Him to tell me what the next step is. This is the way I nurture myself. I don't necessarily need hours alone, but spending some time NOT focused on myself fills me up. My new favorite time is my hour at the gym in the morning, listening to the Jesus Culture Pandora station. I get up before the girls, before Ryan has to go to work, and I MAKE it happen. There are 24 hours in a day -- taking one to physically and spiritually fuel up isn't too much to ask. I have also found that spending quality time with my husband is a HUGE thing that makes me a better wife and mom. Investing in each other never fails to give me that extra strength I need.
Thanks for taking the time to share with us, Kaylee!
Next we'll hear from Marisa. Thanks for reading!