{reallife} rescued forever

Peter asked me today -- "Mommy, what if Grandma gets old?"

His voice shook as he continued "...cause then she might die and I love her."

Mmmmhmm. Hard thoughts, baby boy. There must have been some talk about family members passing away in his group discussion today. I've waited and waited and waited to talk about death with my son. Put off the violent Bible stories, brushed over the sadness of autumn. Death isn't something any of us want to dwell on and especially if we've been raised in a grace-drought. Always the question of "well...will I be good enough to have life beyond the grave?"

Aaah. So I kept it very simple with my growing up boy. Death is inevitable. It will happen to most everyone. But Jesus rescues us from the inevitable and gives us freedom from unhappy endings. Freedom from endings, period. I told him of the second coming, of the gift of the cross, of the promise of seeing loved ones again and living forever.

He got it. "We don't have to worry," he said.
Nope. We love Jesus. Jesus saves and promised everlasting life.

The God who makes mountains stand on their heads will take care of everything. Always. Forever.
He's the King of superlatives.
My boy is growing up.

He wants to do so many things by himself now. He's teaching his little brother about remote control stuff. He loves starting up a conversation with a grownup, not always someone he knows well. He's started inviting himself over. He swims underwater. He tries new things. He wears a cute wet suit and rock hops up a frigid stream.
Camping has become so much easier for us. They sleep. They play. They hike. They chill.

They tolerate daddy's strange dances with fire.

They make smores with marshmallows the size of baseballs.

They are really really fun to be with. Our weekend with each other and with our friends was just beautiful.
You know your daddy is the best daddy in the whole wide world, dontcha Ez?
We're thankful. We're hopeful. We're redeemed.

::one thousand gifts::
doing "the motorboat" at the pool
pretend play in their cushion car
holding his whole hand, not just a finger anymore
how much they loved the apricot galette
how he calls him "my brother"
swimming lessons with friends
a sunny view of Mt Hood
backyard blackberries
almond butter milkshakes