What happened to August? Seriously. I remember {like two days ago} saying that our June and July had been too crazy and things were going to be slow and mellow in August. HAH.
Who was I kidding? From pool and splash pads to visits from grandparents to massive peach marathons to city adventures to biking and rollerblading together. And I didn't even take Instagram shots of backpacking or our night away to the lake or our bike ride with little friends. Or probably a dozen other fun things that my tired brain has now forgotten.
When we're home, we're playing with friends all afternoon out at the greenspace.
Other things to note:Peter now spreads jam on bread all by himself.
Ezra learned to ride a scooter. Just weeks after learning to ride his strider bike.
And they have both graduated to showers. *sigh of relief from the bath time no-splash enforcer*
Times are changing, baby. Ezra still likes to be little though.
He says "daddy is big and mommy is big and peter is big but I am little".
And I really don't know where he gets that cute crinkly nose from.
So. I figured out the secret to a clean house! Really!
It's called send the messy ones away backpacking for the weekend! Yep. I cleaned the house pretty thoroughly yesterday and the day before and have been basking in its organizedness and cleanness.
But that grew old after a few hours and now I just miss my funny, silly, muddy-footed boys. ;)
Actually {Ezra has been saying that a lot. SO cute.}, I've learned that the secret to keeping a house neater is simply putting things away where they go. Right away, before things pile up. Putting clean dishes away. Trying to finish jobs and not put things off too long. Which is easier now that my kids don't have such urgent needs...and they are doing a lot of things now by themselves. So yay for us. I've learned a lot in the last six years of chaos.
Want to hear my early new years resolution?
Pay attention to the garden. It's worth it. Yep -- next year I'll be putting more time and energy into making our tomato harvest a success.
Want to guess what our September will look like? Well, I'm hoping I'll have more time to cook and bake. I didn't make even one thing on my
August inspiration board. This month will be different!!
What are you hoping for the month of September? Actually, I'll be happy just to see this cute face everyday.