{reallife} a quick survey of life

It gets harder and harder to eke out a few minutes of writing time. I'm not the type of thinker/writer/creator who can work in a distracting, noisy environment. Too bad!! So the kids are just about asleep and I need to spend time with my husband, but I have so so many things on my mind and really want to write. It's been awhile.

I'll do a quick survey first, then see if there's time for more in depth thought later.  
smelling >>campfire smoke from the backyard fire the boys had last night
anticipating >>watching Peter try his new book Draw...Then Write >>a weekend getaway, coming up
eating >>southwestern egg rolls, homemade gluten sandwiches, coconut breakfast pudding, concord grapes
thanking >>my dad for spending time with the boys while I got the groceries {and was able to make eye contact with other shoppers} >>God for the sunny skies
reading >>happier at home by gretchen rubin >>anything by jennie allen >>when crickets cry by charles martin
thinking >>about introverts and how they can best live and function in society
hearing >>the guitar-playing gorilla in starfall.com >>earlier today, the 1812 Overture with its cannons threatening to destroy our little speakers
writing >>a little piece about our winter adventures, for the local Family Forum
We enjoyed some family fun at a friend's birthday party last weekend. Car racing, duck...duck...CUTE duck...goose, and more. ;)

And some good times at the best hay slide ever. So many ways to slide, head first on your tummy, feet first on your tummy, under the mommy gate, tongue sticking out, one shoe off...good times.
It's deep thought time of the month {yay/ugggh} so I've been contemplating everything from orphans in Ethiopia to creating margin in your life. I've been reading a lot of inspiring things from Ellen at The Sweet Water Blog. What a thought-provoking series she has going on this month.

And I loved this list of ways to get your day back on track at Finding Joy. I should make a printable for my fridge.

You know how older women always seem to say "childhood goes by so fast...hang on to it...treasure each moment"? Sometimes I wonder if they say these things out of guilt...they feel that maybe they didn't spend enough time with their kids when they were little. And now we seem to have a generation of hypersensitive, sheltering moms who hover and don't have lives of their own?? Aaaah, tough subject, I know. I'm just always searching for that perfect balance of loving on and playing with my dear little ones and exercising and reading and doing things that energize ME.  
What say you on the topic?

{my time is up, g'night for now}