{words with friends} hi. my name is...
The bad thing about participating in a 31 days series is... that's all you get to blog about for a whole month. And to a new reader, it looks like you are pretty obsessed with your one thing. I totally love healthy school lunches, but there's more to me than the crazy lady taking pictures of all the snacks. Ezra said to me the other day, when he really wanted some wheat thins, "mommy, take a picture of these!" Hah.
I feel like I need to introduce myself all over again.
Hi. I'm Laura. :)
I stayed up too late last night reading a really good book that I can't seem to put down and then I couldn't handle not knowing how things were going to end up so I skipped ahead to find out what happens. Yep. I know.
I'm listening to Christmas music already. No sense in stuffing one of my favorite things into a little box called December. It brings just the right flavor to a rainy fall day.
I'm homeschooling my five year old but wondering if it will be a good long term fit for us. It's probably not the best year to make that decision since little brother is 100% THREE and making life harder for all of us. I like the idea of Peter having time to explore his favorite interests and feeling free to learn at his own pace.
But I also like time alone. In fact, studies show that some of us NEED it. And I'm learning to stick up for myself just a bit and advocate for my sanity breaks. But my inner martyr still speaks pretty loudly.
I get totally inspired by DIY tutorials on Pinterest. I love the idea of thrifting and refinishing things and making new out of old. I've never necessarily DONE any of that. But a woman can dream, right? We have a childproof house with hand-me-down furniture and bare walls and windows. Decorating has never made it to the top of my priority list.
Because... see... I also like photography, cooking, baking, writing, Jazzercise, teaching kids at church, road trips, hiking, reading, and quilting.
And this blog? It's about real life. And the ways we do our bestest to fit all those important things in...to make it work, to {maybe} even make it awesome. But it's hard. You might hear me vent from time to time. But just know that I'm in this with you, this crazy up-hill climb of parenthood and almost-thirty and not-even-ten-years-of-marriage and bordering-insanity. I desperately want to make it good.
But this life? It kind-of reminds me of a choose-your-own-adventure book. All kinds of grandiose pathways leading out into the future, great ideas for places I could go and things I could do, but the kicker? Each path takes a quick loop and brings me right back to where I started, with a sign saying "this is where you need to be right now".
This blog is here to remind me. To remind me of all the things I love. To give me a place to be me. But also to help me be realistic and remember what things are the most important at this stage in life.
So I blog about real life.
I take photographs to remember these crazy seasons.
I make yummy food and record our favorite recipes for the future.
We hike and play and pretend outside.
I write about my faith and how it affects my life right now.
I document things we learn about and what homeschool looks like for us.
And I hope to inspire and encourage you as I go along.
I recently had a pretty serious few weeks of identity crisis and questions about life. I'm coming out of it seeing the tiniest light at the end of my tunnel, but definitely refocused and refreshed and ready to plow through some more life with purpose. I have a few more thoughts about this that I'll share in a future post.
Could you keep me accountable on my journey? Ask me from time to time if I've been intentional about my goals for this season in life. Ask me if I've been playing outside with my kids, even on a rainy day.
I'm going to do my best to be more conversational when I write. One of the reasons I blog is to share my thoughts with you, to connect. One-sided conversations are never as much fun. Would you write me a little comment? I'll try to not be afraid to ask. :)
That's about all for tonight. :) The boys are sorting legos {so glad daddy is home!!} and I need to clean up the kitchen. Thanks for reading. Nice to meet you {again?}. ;)
Do you feel sometimes, after a difficult stretch of life, like you need to re-introduce yourself?
I feel like I need to introduce myself all over again.
Hi. I'm Laura. :)
I stayed up too late last night reading a really good book that I can't seem to put down and then I couldn't handle not knowing how things were going to end up so I skipped ahead to find out what happens. Yep. I know.
I'm listening to Christmas music already. No sense in stuffing one of my favorite things into a little box called December. It brings just the right flavor to a rainy fall day.
I'm homeschooling my five year old but wondering if it will be a good long term fit for us. It's probably not the best year to make that decision since little brother is 100% THREE and making life harder for all of us. I like the idea of Peter having time to explore his favorite interests and feeling free to learn at his own pace.
But I also like time alone. In fact, studies show that some of us NEED it. And I'm learning to stick up for myself just a bit and advocate for my sanity breaks. But my inner martyr still speaks pretty loudly.
I get totally inspired by DIY tutorials on Pinterest. I love the idea of thrifting and refinishing things and making new out of old. I've never necessarily DONE any of that. But a woman can dream, right? We have a childproof house with hand-me-down furniture and bare walls and windows. Decorating has never made it to the top of my priority list.
Because... see... I also like photography, cooking, baking, writing, Jazzercise, teaching kids at church, road trips, hiking, reading, and quilting.
ideal life = half the day to pursue my own interests, the other half to spend playing outside with my kids and teaching them through nature and imagination, and then more time to connect and date my husband and then time to exercise and have a chat with a friend and...And there just simply aren't enough hours in the day for everyone and everything. That's real life.
real life = a battle to tame the laundry and dishes with strong doses of fresh air, friends, and healthy food to keep the littles growing up appropriately
And this blog? It's about real life. And the ways we do our bestest to fit all those important things in...to make it work, to {maybe} even make it awesome. But it's hard. You might hear me vent from time to time. But just know that I'm in this with you, this crazy up-hill climb of parenthood and almost-thirty and not-even-ten-years-of-marriage and bordering-insanity. I desperately want to make it good.
But this life? It kind-of reminds me of a choose-your-own-adventure book. All kinds of grandiose pathways leading out into the future, great ideas for places I could go and things I could do, but the kicker? Each path takes a quick loop and brings me right back to where I started, with a sign saying "this is where you need to be right now".
This blog is here to remind me. To remind me of all the things I love. To give me a place to be me. But also to help me be realistic and remember what things are the most important at this stage in life.
So I blog about real life.
I take photographs to remember these crazy seasons.
I make yummy food and record our favorite recipes for the future.
We hike and play and pretend outside.
I write about my faith and how it affects my life right now.
I document things we learn about and what homeschool looks like for us.
And I hope to inspire and encourage you as I go along.
I recently had a pretty serious few weeks of identity crisis and questions about life. I'm coming out of it seeing the tiniest light at the end of my tunnel, but definitely refocused and refreshed and ready to plow through some more life with purpose. I have a few more thoughts about this that I'll share in a future post.
Could you keep me accountable on my journey? Ask me from time to time if I've been intentional about my goals for this season in life. Ask me if I've been playing outside with my kids, even on a rainy day.
I'm going to do my best to be more conversational when I write. One of the reasons I blog is to share my thoughts with you, to connect. One-sided conversations are never as much fun. Would you write me a little comment? I'll try to not be afraid to ask. :)
That's about all for tonight. :) The boys are sorting legos {so glad daddy is home!!} and I need to clean up the kitchen. Thanks for reading. Nice to meet you {again?}. ;)
Do you feel sometimes, after a difficult stretch of life, like you need to re-introduce yourself?