lemony treats in april

Happy April! Boy we're glad to see you. The pant legs are getting rolled up. The bare feet are finding warmer asphalt and green grass. The sunny evenings are perfect for freeze tag with neighbor friends.

And for some reason, this yummy roundup is all about lemon desserts! Well, mostly. You could probably add lemon to the apple tart, cupcakes and smoothie without any harm. :)

Tell me -- what looks best to you? I wanna try them all...

apple tart by tales of a kitchen // mini coconut cupcakes by the vanilla bean blog 
 french crepes with lemon curd by the sweet life 
dairy free lemon pudding by skinny taste // pineapple mint green monster smoothie by in pursuit of more 
lemon bars by 86 lemons // zesty lemon carrot cake by yummly 

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