a bit of today

today began with early morning playtime with our neighbor friend
it continued nicely with fixins for a green {turned blue} smoothie
today was just right for picking apricots
but later turned sour with an over-tired, emotional, sugar-crashing four-year-old who cried himself to sleep
mommy cried too
you don't have to be a father to read "fatherhood" by bill cosby. moms need to laugh too.
today was a huge harvest of backyard blackberries
freezing the loot for future smoothies or baking
and ladybug friends
today was throwing away candy and marshmallows and reorganizing the pantry and cupboards to discourage future food thievery
there is now a "snack shelf" in the pantry containing things like raisins, dates, almonds, pistachios
hoping to encourage healthy and you-don't-have-to-hide-while-eating-these snacks
not pictured was the time we spent at the church with the VBS music team.
practice went really really well. pete has a great handle on rhythm and played the tambourine along with us. {love}