VBS 2013 Wrap-up

Vacation Bible School has come and gone. This year my name tag read "Music Team Leader and Photography Leader". That includes making the end of week slideshow. And doesn't say anything about keeping track of my four-year-old or continuing to be mom the rest of the day. It was a lot. I enjoyed the music practices thoroughly, but stumbled a bit through the actual week due to sleep-loss and the process of welcoming my husband home.

Shooting mid-morning to high noon is probably the hardest, with harsh back-light and dappled shade and I found myself questioning my abilities as a photographer. Of course, I always set my expectations two rungs too high on the ladder...impossible to please as ever. But each opportunity brings learning and I'm trying to put my two brain cells to work remembering what I've learned from this week.

#1. Get more sleep.
#2. Don't drink caffeine to stay awake at the wheel, find another way!!
#3. Don't rely on the LCD screen to see if the photo is properly exposed.
#4. Don't be afraid to check where the auto settings would be before clicking back to A/V or Manual.
#5. Take more movies, interviews would be fun {but that would involve talking to people...}. ;p
#6. Keep the slideshow under eight minutes. Thirteen is too long.

Anywhooo, what's done is done and now it's on to August and its adventures. So, check out some of the photos I took and tell me what you're going to do this month!

Image Map