Real Life | Having a Blast and School Photos
"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on." Robert Frost
Yes, yes it does. And now I find myself in this glorious phase of life where they come when I call, get into their car-seats, and put on their seat-belts all by themselves! They take showers and dress themselves. They don't pee on the floor anymore and not very often in their beds. They take turns and have learned to enjoy each other's company. They are actually quite fun to be around!
And they are brave little adventurers.

I'm looking at all our photos from the summer and realizing -- this is it! We have graduated from the messiest stage{?!} and we are headed into some incredible years of travel and outdoor adventures and laughter and so much fun. I've learned so much this past year, including the truth that we really need to continue to be intentional about how we spend our time. Having a blast together as a family is one of our top priorities, so it's gonna happen a lot.
Having a blast together might mean eating thickened pears with almond butter and honey on toast this winter.

Transitioning into the school year has been nutso -- mostly just for me. It simply takes me a few weeks to get used to anything new and learn to love it. :) The kids are LOVING it. Pete is the big guy in his class now, who knows the teacher and the ropes and is earning smile stickers already {for including others and following directions}. Buzz isn't nearly as shy as I thought he might me, jumping right into everything and already teaching the other kids how to do flips on the playground equipment.
I am treasuring the one-on-one time this year affords -- 3 hours with Pete twice a week and 6 hours with Buzz twice a week. Life has become calmer, quieter.....I feel my shoulders softening. I'm keeping the house tidier, enjoying helping my first grader through his math and sight words, and finding time for a little sewing and reading.
All that to say -- it's a good season. And I'm so thankful that I am learning to say that. To admit that this, is good. Such a valuable life lesson. I just haven't always known how to enjoy life.
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." Oscar Wilde

Yes, yes it does. And now I find myself in this glorious phase of life where they come when I call, get into their car-seats, and put on their seat-belts all by themselves! They take showers and dress themselves. They don't pee on the floor anymore and not very often in their beds. They take turns and have learned to enjoy each other's company. They are actually quite fun to be around!
And they are brave little adventurers.

I'm looking at all our photos from the summer and realizing -- this is it! We have graduated from the messiest stage{?!} and we are headed into some incredible years of travel and outdoor adventures and laughter and so much fun. I've learned so much this past year, including the truth that we really need to continue to be intentional about how we spend our time. Having a blast together as a family is one of our top priorities, so it's gonna happen a lot.
Having a blast together might mean eating thickened pears with almond butter and honey on toast this winter.

Transitioning into the school year has been nutso -- mostly just for me. It simply takes me a few weeks to get used to anything new and learn to love it. :) The kids are LOVING it. Pete is the big guy in his class now, who knows the teacher and the ropes and is earning smile stickers already {for including others and following directions}. Buzz isn't nearly as shy as I thought he might me, jumping right into everything and already teaching the other kids how to do flips on the playground equipment.
I am treasuring the one-on-one time this year affords -- 3 hours with Pete twice a week and 6 hours with Buzz twice a week. Life has become calmer, quieter.....I feel my shoulders softening. I'm keeping the house tidier, enjoying helping my first grader through his math and sight words, and finding time for a little sewing and reading.
All that to say -- it's a good season. And I'm so thankful that I am learning to say that. To admit that this, is good. Such a valuable life lesson. I just haven't always known how to enjoy life.
"To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all." Oscar Wilde