Creativity | Weekending

This weekend was creativity demonstrated by wheels flying down grassy hills, bike parts being moved from old bikes to new, and fabric scraps being formed into something new. “Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” --Scott Adams
And I tossed some walnuts into the cranberry sticky buns, making them alllll that much better. Oh yum. I'll share them with you soon.
weekend sharing ||
- Important lessons about creativity here. Like "creativity is a muscle that has to be exercised."
- I have some thrifted sheets and I'm trying to decide whether to make a rag quilt with them or a rug like this one.
- Getting soooooo excited about visiting here in a few weeks. The rocks. mmmmm.
- And in the spirit of adventure, looking to reserve a night at a lookout tower like this one.