Empowering the Local Workers of Haiti | Project 7

Do you want to know what I love about New Reality International's work in Haiti?
It has to do with keeping things local and sustainable. NRI is not bringing in short term mission teams to paint walls and ceilings. They aren't inviting student missionaries over for a year of teaching or orphan care. They are hiring local nannies, local painters, local welders, local gardeners, local cooks, local masons, local women who carry water and do laundry. They are stimulating the economy of Trou du Nord, Haiti. They are putting food on the plates of families living all over town by paying a reasonable wage to these skilled and gifted workers. They are not creating the attitude of dependency that often comes as a result of bringing in outside help. With developed income generators on the land, the #Project7 village will be able to run on its own without us!
This philosophy promotes independence and sends the important message that these local workers are capable, valuable children of God who are playing a vital role in the commission to protect and take care of the orphans. We come alongside them, encouraging and supporting, but definitely saying -- "You've got this! Go be awesome. We're so proud of you."