Ice Cream for the Road | Weekending

We're in a hotel room right now {courtesy daddy} getting a final dose of WIFI and some hot showers before adventuring out into the woods. Didn't we just get out of the woods? Well, yeah. If I had thought once or twice, I might have planned in a couple days at home in between trips, but we managed to get laundry done and repack the car in the better part of a day. Now we've got our kayaks and passports and are armed and ready for the next three weeks! #summerisawesome #rockon
We might have to count the number of ice cream cones enjoyed over the next three weeks...
Making: Tracks. ;)
Feeling: The big ole bruise on my thigh that I acquired somewhere between going up the chairlift at Silver Mtn and coming down the Hiawatha Trail {two separate biking adventures last weekend}.
Reading: Wild with Child. Absolutely inspiring stories here.
Planning: To spend the night by a mountain lake after hiking in a couple miles.
Resisting: My fear of bears.
Thankful for: Really light and tiny sleeping pads that make backpacking possible.
Sharing: Lots of adventures to be found on my Please Adventure board and these banana pancakes!