Just One Day | A Photography Project

The day started with bubble gum smoothie, except it wasn't as good as daddy's varieties. There was just enough time for a little circuit-boarding before VBS, in which I thought about playing my mandolin but settled for taking its picture. #lazy #notskilled The pergola is up and waiting for its mister and lighting system. We're thinking about sending some honeysuckle vines up and around it. Hoping it will do as well as the rest of our garden! #goodhotyear
Speaking of hotness, the little 2.5 ft depth pool has been perfect for my boys to grow fins. They are now swimming underwater, doing loops and spirals and feeling {smelling} fishy. Hot days call for disguises and water fights.
And the last photo?? Well, that's a clue. Something we'll be doing this weekend. These little bags are planned motivational tools for the journey. The Kit-Kats are unveiled at Mile 13. I think/hope/dearly hope that is truly the ending mileage or there will be an epic revolt.
Time to pack, see you on the other side.