Splash-Down | Weekending

This is my seven-year-old who now LOVES waterslides. :) It's fun to see him tall enough and brave enough to try new things! We took a friend with us to the waterpark and had a great time, even though the temps dropped to the 80's that day.
Yesterday was spent searching for a financially feasible Epipen option and reading some seriously scary stuff about allergies. My kids were bored and hyper and running circles around me while I tried to figure out what to do at the grocery store pharmacy. Two adults spoke to them about not running and not climbing on top of the cart. I was humiliated and trying to ignore the onlookers and just focus on my boys. They are missing their daddy wrestles -- it really helps meet their physical needs.
Making: Feta Ciabatta Sandwiches. The kids aren't appreciating squash right now, but I still think these are delish.
Feeling: Tired. Sore. Guilty. Worried. Afraid. Pretty much normal, in other words.
Reading: The Entitlement Trap by Richard and Linda Eyre
Planning: To listen to Ralph S Mouse in the car while we drive today.
Resisting: All above feelings.
Thankful for: New starts after rough days.
Sharing: This article about education and the common core and entitlement. And these robots.