Last Day of August | Weekending

First, WHERE did summer go? Seriously, I don't think I've ever experienced a summer that flew by so fast. I know, I know -- we tried to smash too much into a few short weeks. I have all sorts of different goals for next summer. We learn from our mistakes, fortunately.
Tomorrow marks the beginning of September 2014 and this year mommy is putting her teacher cape back on! My little guys are in kindergarten and second grade and I'll be teaching preschool. WEIRD and COOL. I'm really excited about this. It's been a long {and short} seven years since I became Stay At Home Mom. There's a little something in me that really really wants to get back in the classroom and explore a bit of what God made me to do. I think it's possible to explore this AND be a great mom to my sweet boys. They are ready for more of a social life than I can provide by homeschooling them. They perform better for a teacher who is not MOM. I think/hope/pray that this year will be good for all of us.
Eating: Lentil Soup and brown rice. I had no idea I would be making hot soup already, but I am really tired of camp food.
Wishing: For a more contented heart. I find myself wishing for home in the middle of a gorgeous evening by a glacial lake. Then when I'm home, I long for the campfire smoke and the relaxed feeling as I swing in my hammock. I just wish to love the present more.
Reading: Wild Things. I've been slowly digesting this one, chatting about it with a friend when we have girl nights. It's really really good. I'll be reading it again as my boys get older.
Listening to: I Won't Give Up by Jason Mraz
Planning: To go visit my poor abandoned garden and harvest some stuff. We have more peppers and okra than we ever needed.
Resisting: All the nervous feelings racing through me about teaching!! Two more days!!
Grateful for: SILK chocolate soy milk.
Sharing: I just ordered another of these thermos food jars, so both boys can have yogurt in their school lunches. The first one I ordered has been awesome.
Aspiring to: I'm feeling more and more like we're put here on this planet to share HOPE with everyone. Can we live like what God has done and is doing and will do gives us such great hope??