Too Much Curry Paste | Weekending

Course another week has flown by already. I'm doing my best to grab snapshots of life on my phone, but I'm really not keeping up. Mid-week we took a family trip to the pool where the boys both spent a lot of time swimming without their life jackets! Floating for long periods of time, swimming underwater, learning to kick more effectively, and the last challenge was jumping into the deep end from the edge. Yes! They will be safe swimmers soon. We sang along to Greensleeves on the car ride home -- at the top of all our lungs, even with a bit of harmony. Von Trapps would be proud.
We have finished painting one room in our current house, so only six+ to go. :-/ And we're considering re-painting the new house as well. Any ideas for the master bedroom that is currently painted red? I'm a neutrals I'm thinking white. I know. Maybe a shade of light gray would be nice?
Buzz has decided [I think] that he's okay with his days at school. Earlier this week he was complaining that nobody likes him, but when I named a few of the kids, he was like "oh yeah, she likes me" and "oh yeah, he likes me too" and "I guess some people do like me." Junior high, anyone?
Speaking of junior high, Pete was wearing a too-big-for-him shirt today, so I tucked it into his dress pants. He stopped me, saying "don't do that mom! That makes me look handsome!" The worst.
Eating: Not much. Have you seen our fridge lately?! I guess I'll clean it out [since it's virtually empty] and then do some menu planning! We have four jars of curry sauce and two of curry paste. Wow.
Wishing: Just wishing I could visualize things better when it comes to home decor. I've never been very good at seeing things that aren't right in front of me. Where should the couch go? What should I put on the mantel? Curtains? Artwork?
Reading: The Gifts of Imperfection by Brene Brown. Looks to be very good. I've only read the Preface.
Listening to: The wind. It's our first very blustery day in awhile.
Grateful for: My patient husband. He deserves a shout-out every now and then. Especially now.
Sharing: 15 Things That Make An Ordinary Day Happy by Katie Clemons Really a good list.
Anticipating: Tonight's pie party shin-dig at a friend's house. Can't ever have too much pie. :)