The Arctic Air Invasion | Weekending

The weather here lately has reminded me of winters in Alberta. It's bitterly cold. I've heard it called the Arctic Air Invasion. Right now it's 10 degrees F and feels even colder. We're not used to this here!! We went up to the mountains to pick out a tree and shoot a family photo and didn't stay long. #sadtosay #icywind Pete was wearing rubber boots that were three sizes too big. He now has snow boots coming in the mail.

Short story = +it's super cold +we're still painting the old house +there's a white streak in my hair +cue frozen soundtrack

And these fun photos tell the story of the other things we've managed to enjoy over the past couple weeks [when not painting or freezing].

weekend shares ||
Eating: Homemade guacamole with my cheese quesadilla. And a couple oatmeal chocolate cookies.
Pinning: This fun idea for remembering sight words in an active way. Jump up and slap them!
Enjoying: Hot showers. I know I say that a lot. It's truly my favorite. And it's been so cold lately.
Anticipating: The day when we no longer need to spend 90% of our free time working on the rental.
Thankful for: Patience. We're all needing it lately.
Watching: Survivor. Now that the teams have merged and we're looking at individual immunity, things get a lot more interesting.
Reading: This post. I can really relate.
Feeling: So cold. My bones are cold.