Never Thought You'd Hear From Me Again So Soon | Weekending
Today's heartfelt questions:
What do lifting weights, flossing teeth and Bible study all have in common? They are the three things I know I should do and want to do, but neglect to do most days. #resolutions #didallthreetoday
How long does it take to make solid friendships in a new place? I'm pretty sure it's different for everyone and things are crazier with kids, but I feel like solid-er friendships take me longer to establish than they should and I'd like to solve that. The longest I've lived anywhere was our eight years in College Place. #uprootedagain #lookingforthebrightside

Have I mentioned that there is snow in this new-home-town of ours? Rain is threatening to wash it all away in town, but drive 25 minutes up the hill and you're in the best fluffiest powder you've ever seen. We took our snowshoes for a spin and they liked it. Rumor has it the trail continues on to a mountain lake or two. There's stuff to hike to here folks.
Weekends are fun. We've done our best so far to stuff them full of adventures and making new friends. But I won't lie, moving and starting over isn't easy. Sometimes we miss the same-old, same-old. We're stretching and hopefully growing new life-muscles that will make us stronger people. Ezra misses the old stuff the most of all of us I think. He's the youngest. He was just starting out and making strides and we pulled the carpet out from under him. We'd really like to plug him back into piano lessons and remind him how fast of a runner he is and get him throwing a softball again.
We'll embrace these days, however short, and do our best with the quality time we have. But summer can't come soon enough.
Weekend Sharing:
Instagram Photos on Display
I want to make this happen.
Roasted Cauliflower and Lentil Tacos
We tried these and thought they were absolutely delicious. Wait for cauliflower to be in season though. #spendy
Eating | Yogurt with chia seeds sprinkled on top. Yum.
Enjoying | Road to Avonlea Season 7 and this inductive Bible study guide for 99 cents!
Listening | We listen and move to this song at the beginning of music class everyday. :)
Thankful for | All the episodes of the God Centered Mom podcast especially this one.
Pinning | I really like this outfit and especially the scarf!
Reading | Forgotten God by Francis Chan