March Madness | Weekending

February is a short month, fairly gloomy if you're not skiing every weekend [that helps!]. Then comes March -- a very LONG month, with sporatic bursts of powerful hope. It'a a roller coaster, really. For a teacher, March is a marathon without any breaks for vacation or conferences. A day in, day out month where kids are getting tired of the same old and feeling the "we're almost done here" itch. Teachers are plodding, not exactly excited about new content or upcoming holidays [except summer and it's still a long way off].

Spring break starts tomorrow and we're getting on an airplane! It will be a welcome break from routine that we all desperately need. I'm so looking forward to the new experiences, new memories, and new ways to bond. I'm excited and pretty nervous. These boys haven't gone anywhere they needed a passport before!

Better write this blog post today, I said to myself. So here we go.
We have had some very fun times this month -- skiing at White Pass as a family, visiting friends and family in Walla Walla, a weekend on the Idaho farm, and two epic ten mile adventures on the loop trail! I love making collages of my Instagram pics because it helps me remember the best parts of the month. #documentlife
So HELLO APRIL! And off we go to Haiti to visit the darling kids at the Children's Village! Look for photos on Instagram if I can find WiFi!

Weekend Sharing:
6 Tips to Simplify Children's Lives | Simple As That

Eating | I had a kombucha float again today. #yum #bestdessertever
Enjoying | Sixty-five degrees and sunny. Yessir.
Listening to | Tsh Oxenreider talking to Jamie Ivey about travel and home and Lord Huron.
Thankful for | A husband who understands boy things. What would we do without him?
Reading | The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe by CS Lewis
Pinning | What my hair is supposed to be doing and symptoms of Vit B12 deficiency.
Anticipating | Wearing shorts in Haiti!! I shaved my legs y'all.