Week Nine: Things {Un}Seen
9. Today, my priorities will be all Things Unseen.
Things that are seen: stack of dirty dishes, {lots of} crumbs and garbage on car floor, dusty piano, husband's beard hair in sink, crying child, stained shirt, messy garage
Things that are unseen: feeling a warm hug, hearing a whispered "I love you", eating a sandwich on homemade bread, listening to a story, playing hide-and-seek together, feeling secure
Ann Voskamp reminds us to Invest in Things Unseen, the things far more important. Because life should be "loved and lived and devoured one minute at a time" {Ann Margaret}.
And so I will begin: One Thousand Gifts
1. the child who repeats "where's daddy?" as he hunts all over the house and then shrieks at the surprise discovery
2. the stack of relevant inspirational books on my windowsill
3. friends who laugh with me
4. family granola recipes
5. the head resting on my shoulder in tired belonging
Have you been following my series, The Three Months of Joy? I've based it on Ann Voskamp's work, the Parenting Manifesto of Joy.
You can download a free printable for your very own. EnJOY!
Have you been following my series, The Three Months of Joy? I've based it on Ann Voskamp's work, the Parenting Manifesto of Joy.
You can download a free printable for your very own. EnJOY!