Roles to Play

This morning as I quickly penned sight words and memory verse onto card stock and prepped scissors and DVD for his haircut, I realized how diverse the job description of a mother is.

Perhaps I've taken on a few extra roles -- my choice. Everyone has unique things they value and want to include in their lives. But my list is getting awfully long lately and I don't want to give anything up! *big yawn*

I didn't have to make my own crust for this delicious pizza, but I did. Cause it's cheaper, pretty easy, and probably healthier for us.

I didn't have to cut my own son's hair, but there are good reasons for that too. I like being able to control how it turns out. ;) I left the cute wispies around his ears and longer bangs. What a handsome almost-four-year-old.

Here's my {incomplete I'm sure} list:
Home Decorator
Meal Planner
Cook and Baker
Laundry Service
Professional Shopper
Vacation Planner
Birthday Planner
Mail Sorter
Noise Reducer
Wardrobe Designer
Activities Director
Children's Librarian
Nanny {haha}
There are probably many wonderfully witty things to say on this topic of role juggling, but since I've just worked a 14 hour day filled with all kinds of atrocities, I have nothing more for you. I can only hope that an easier day will follow with more time for productive and uninterrupted brain activity.

And maybe I'll drop the title of "Activities Director" since my lil' dude sat in my lap half asleep through his gymnastics class and then actually fell asleep in the car on the way to T-Ball. Ya.

What roles do you have? A few too many?