Five Minute Friday | Tired

Tired. A common adjective word used to describe mothers, fathers, well -- really anyone. Ask someone how they're doing and you're hear either "fine", "tired", or "busy".
"...busy becomes this black hole that mysteriously abducts us away from the humble land of availability." --Kelle Hampton
I'm all three. But how am I really? Hard to smash it into one word. Hard to say it in one sentence even. Real life has so many layers.

The Great Physician? He's not tired. He's not too busy. And I doubt He's "fine". His heart breaks for humanity.
Isaiah 40:28 NIV
The LORD is the everlasting God,
the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
and his understanding no one can fathom.
I'm up early again. I'm looking for renewed strength in His word. I'm looking to define myself with different adjectives.