Wrapping Up Love

So to quickly wrap up my week focusing on loving my husband in all five languages......four words.

Wow. That. Was. Hard. 

Specifically -- the time and energy it took to love with intention. That was hard. And then the feeling of wowIjustlovedyoualot -- time for you to reciprocate!! Human nature, I suppose. I told him that next week he could have five days to love ME in all the languages. hah

We learned that some days are different than others -- like, one day acts of service might really speak to his heart, another day it wouldn't so much. And we learned that some things just don't work so well at all {he'd prefer real touch over virtual touch...you know, the texted "hugs" and "kisses"...yeah, imagine that}. We learned that the most important thing {for us} about love languages is that we communicate about what works for us and what doesn't. And over time, we'll learn to love each other in the most efficient way possible. One can hope.

Bottom line: 
Marriage takes a lot of hard work. It takes a LOT of patience. And we will need to forgive. Time and time again. 

I stole this very cool idea from another fun blogger and wrote a letter to my pre-married self.
dear 21-year-old-me,

you are pretty naive. you don't know much about loving or sharing or self-sacrifice or loving unconditionally. you are about to learn a lot. very quickly.

you don't always need to be right. you do need to tell him how you feel, even though he won't understand at first. you'll need to keep trying. life will sometimes feel very very discouraging, but there is always another new day tomorrow. keep your sense of humor. let your husband cheer you up. be kind to him. he really does love you, very very much. even if he doesn't understand your female brain. yet.

you'll need to shave your legs either every day or not at all. you'll need to be adventurous when you feel like sleeping. you'll soon get used to moving his underwear the last couple feet into the laundry basket. don't sweat it.

love him. thank him for bouncing the baby to sleep. forgive him again. and don't bring it up.

and when the children are old enough to survive for ten minutes unattended, lock the door and kiss him long and hard.

Because "when you put your spouse first, giving your marriage relationship the time it needs to thrive, you are giving your child a gift -- they just might not realize it in the short term. They'll have to entertain themselves for a few minutes." Focus On Your Marriage {Day 27}

love 28-year-old me {with still plenty to learn}
And so that about wraps it up. For now. Time to relax with an old movie and think about dialects of love another day.

Hope you enjoyed the series!