30 things to do before I turn 30

  1. go on a two-night backpacking adventure with my husband
  2. do a smoothie/juice fast
  3. do an East Coast road trip
  4. cycle 50+ miles
  5. write an ebook
  6. visit a new continent
  7. decide on four new stand-by soup recipes
  8. take an advanced photography class
  9. take a friend w/kids camping
  10. perform a piano duet with Peter
  11. take our kids to sing at a retirement home
  12. watch more sunsets
  13. be more aware of people who need help
  14. begin to learn conversational Spanish
  15. go zip-lining with my husband
  16. work towards earning money with my blog
  17. get an article published in something local
  18. successfully put into practice interest-led learning
  19. preserve more summer harvests {blueberries, peaches, apricots, apples}
  20. make really really good salsa out of the garden
  21. make homemade fruit roll-ups
  22. learn to play ragtime style on the piano
  23. catch fireflies in a jar
  24. spend a winter night in a cabin in the woods
  25. take up trail running
  26. hike the backside of Half Dome
  27. learn how to use a gas camp stove
  28. start a fire in the woods, without matches
  29. ride on a passenger train
  30. go night snowshoeing